Einträge von Dr. Nina Bürklin

McKinsey und spirituelle Gesundheit? Ja, eine große Studie – aber das haben sie nicht berücksichtigt

Ich werde sehr hellhörig, wenn sich krasse Gegensätze im Arbeitskontext auftun, so wie die News einer internationalen Unternehmensberatung mit dem Fokus auf spiritueller Gesundheit. Ich meine, McKinsey und Sinn im Leben… echt jetzt? Und dann werde ich neugierig, weil ich es selbst liebe, Ungewöhnliches zu verbinden (nicht umsonst halte ich zum wiederholten Mal mein Seminar […]

From Mindset to Meaning – Foundations of Logopreneurship

Entrepreneurs who are resilient have a strong mindset. Entrepreneurs who stay resilient have a strong sense of meaning. They are called logopreneurs. What keeps them strong and successful is their deep sense and experience of meaning as well as the importance of values for their business and everyday life. They build their life on personal […]

Ikigai and Logotherapy – Dots to be Connected

Imagine two biographies at the same time, one in Europe, the other in Japan. Both life stories are characterized by severe hardships, deep suffering, reflections on sadness, hope and grief. Two people reflecting on what makes life worth living, what gives life meaning. One paving the way for meaning-centered psychotherapy through his own experiences (Viktor […]

10 Principles for a Good Lifestyle

These principles are pretty straightforward, especially principle #10. You’ll be surprised! A good lifestyle is innovative The possibilities for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted. Technological development is constantly offering new starting points for sustainable design to enhance people’s well-being. But an innovative lifestyle is always created in tandem with innovative technology, and can […]

Why Online Events Suck – And Can Be Full of Magic

Have you ever been challenged to set up an online event? Here are eight learnings from my experience of organizing an online summer school for over 100 people from 27 countries We’ve all experienced it: lengthy online events without a spark of inspiration, but strained eyes. Being connected by tech, but not by heart. Actually, […]

Deep Dive: Gratitude

Most of us have heard that gratitude is beneficial to our health and wellbeing. But how do you actually practice gratitude in everyday life? And what insights do scientific studies offer? Before we get started, what do we actually mean by gratitude? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, gratitude (grat·​i·​tude | \ ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd \) means […]

Bücher, die mich berührt haben

Immer wieder lerne ich so viel von anderen Menschen. Ich bin inspiriert von großen Persönlichkeiten und entdecke neue Perspektiven mit ihren Augen. Hier sind ein paar der Bücher, die mich und mein Leben geprägt haben. Bücher auf Deutsch Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen – Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager (Viktor Frankl) Dankbarkeit – das Herz […]